Consulting, Education, & Training

We offer training that supports the mental and emotional health of your organization.

We are here to support you in the following ways:

  • Facilitating Training: Enhance resilience, self-care, trauma-informed care, and grief-informed care skills.

  • Capacity Building: Grow your ability to support those experiencing grief and loss.

  • Creating New Rituals: Imagine and implement new rituals to help navigate grief in your workspace.

  • Workshops: Develop and lead workshops to raise awareness about grief and loss.

  • Bias Uncovering: Join you in identifying biases and fostering a culture of care and belonging.

  • Organizational Guidance: Provide assistance during transitions, including deaths, workforce reductions, leadership changes, mergers, acquisitions, and closures.

  • Future Planning: Help envision and plan for a future after loss.

Contact us to learn more about training, consulting, and retainers.


Our Loss Navigation Process is designed to help organizations find their way!